Conservation Corridor - Instituto Ecológica

Conservation Corridor - Instituto Ecológica

Conservation Corridor

Araguaia Biodiversity Conservation Corridor

Biodiversity Conservation
Knowledge Enhancement Community Development Technology Transfer Climate Change
Water Resources
Ecosystem Cerrado and Amazon
Localization Bananal Island/TO
Legal Framework International Funding
Project Status Completed
Fundraising Modality Exclusive
Fundraising Status Closed

Local Context

The region of Bananal Island, between the states of Tocantins and Mato Grosso, is one of the most important centers of endemism of species for the Brazilian Cerrado. The biodiversity of the region has peculiarities, for example, being the largest wetland within the biome. An analysis indicates that the state of legal protection in the region is apparently satisfactory, because there are two strictly protected areas (Araguaia National Park and Cantão State Park), and several indigenous lands, but the real situation does not correspond to this picture . Over time, the Araguaia PN has been reduced by the expansion of indigenous lands.

The project therefore aims to establish an ecological corridor area in the Bananal Island region, in the municipalities of Marianópolis, Pium and Caseara, in Tocantins state. The project duration was between 2004 and 2006 and it was supported by Conservation International in Brazil.

Project Description

The project consists of mapping the land occupation dynamics in Bananal Island and issuing inventories of the local biodiversity (with emphasis on endemic and endangered species). The project also promoted the interaction with state and federal agencies to assist the implementation of existing protected areas and the creation of a local infrastructure capable of supporting the sustainable development of local communities.

The activities were focused on the dissemination of the Social Carbon concept and implementation of projects that show local communities how to get benefits from a series of activities that help reduce carbon emissions.

Files for Download


Project Presentation (Portuguese)


  • Biodiversity conservation.
  • Research and development.
  • Knowledge dissemination.
  • Sustainable development of communities.


  • Ecological corridor.
  • Mapping of the land occupation dynamic.
  • Inventories about local biodiversity.
  • Implementation of conservation units.
  • Social Carbon.
Mammals Species Identified
Photo Trap Records
Endangered Species