A questão das embalagens na sustentabilidade - Instituto Ecológica

A questão das embalagens na sustentabilidade

The resources of the planet are increasingly scarce, and when we talk about the industry’s stance on this, ignoring this fact is a serious mistake. However, there is no need to despair: there are ways to adapt and collaborate with the environment without any business suffering in the process.

With greater access to information, it is possible to notice the increased pressure on industries to ensure the sustainability of their productions. The issue covers not only the products themselves, but the part that has the greatest impact on the environment – packaging.

Launched in 2010, Brazil’s National Solid Waste Policy – PNRS – is a national landmark in solid waste management.

It regulates the implementation of Reverse Logistics, an important economic development instrument that aims to properly dispose of post-consumer waste, that is, packaging, and how they can return to the production chain, avoiding the accumulation of tailings. environment.

Using the right tools, it is possible, in addition to complying with the legislation and contributing to the improvement of the environment, to get ahead in the increasingly competitive market.


Source: https://vivagreen.com.br/blog/questao-das-embalagens-na-sustentabilidade/