Projeto Olhos D'Água: recuperação florestal de 200 nascentes - Instituto Ecológica

Projeto Olhos D'Água: recuperação florestal de 200 nascentes - Instituto Ecológica

Projeto Olhos D’Água: recuperação florestal de 200 nascentes

Reflorestamento de nascentes nas Bacias Hidrográficas do Ribeirão Taquarussu, Rio Lontra, Rio Manuel Alves da Natividade, e Rio Formoso no Tocantins.

Water Resources
Biodiversity Conservation
Knowledge Enhancement
Community Development
Technology Transfer
Climate Change
Ecossistema Cerrado
Local Palmas/TO
Enquadramento legal
Project Status Active
Fundraising Modality Crowdfunding
Fundraising Status Pre-release

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.


  • Increase in quality and quantity of water in the basin.
  • Greenhouse gases emissions reduction.
  • Soil conservation.
  • Habitat restoration for local wildlife.
  • Income generation for the community.
  • Knowledge dissemination.


  • Training
  • Reforestation.
  • water resources conservation.
  • tree nursery.
  • job creation.
  • Carbon sequestration.
  • Sale of carbon credits.
Nascentes a Serem Reflorestadas
Densidade da Plantação (mudas/ha)
Pessoas a Serem Capacitadas