Local Context
The project took place in the Araguaia National Park and Cantão State Park, covering five municipalities: Dueré, Lagoa da Confusão; Cristalândia, Pium and Caseara. The first phase of the project began in 1998 and aimed to preserve the natural ecosystem by reducing the deforestation and reforesting degraded areas, in addition to encourage the income generation for the communities involved. The union of these goals led to the pioneering concept of Social Carbon. The project has developed pioneering experiments, as the implementation of agroforestry systems (SAF’s) in the Cerrado region.
The second phase of the project lasted from 2000 to 2002, and focused on the support to indigenous communities. The study sought to value the culture of indigenous people from Bananal Island, supporting land demarcation, educational activities and search for sustainable alternatives.
Parterns: Ibama, Naturatins, Gaia, City Hall, AES Fifoots, indigenous communities and Funai.
Project Description
During the first phase, the activities included forest management, environmental monitoring, research within the local ecosystems and environmental education. Phase I’s main key of was to encourage participation and involvement of local communities in project activities using the social component to promote economic alternatives, increasing thus the communities’ financial potential and encouraging them to choose compatible ways to environmental conservation. Some results: two nurseries with native plants set for SAF’s in rural areas; afforestation activities in urban areas; coordination with local farmers for sustainable forestry practice; production of environmental education booklet “Learning from Nature”; 245 training teachers from local schools and environmental education activities with students from schools in the region; incentive through the support line “Proposal for Small Projects – PSP”, aimed at local sustainable entrepreneurship; development of geoprocessing studies; inventory of forest species and inventory studies of biomass and carbon.
The second phase aimed to improve the living conditions of Javaé and Karajá indigenous communities, ensuring the environment conservation. The project included the management of forests, scientific research and socio-economic development. Some results: preparation and publication of socio-environmental diagnosis of Karajá and Javaé communities; demarcation of the Cacique Fontoura indigenous land; deployment of beekeeping activities in the communities; deployment of strengthening activities about indigenous identity; survey about areas to implement fish farms using a tank system; environment education activities and collection of garbage; weather station deployment in Canguçu Research Center; construction of a native seedlings nursery.
Files for Download
Presentation (Portuguese)